Regular Courses Offered
Comparative Politics
International Relations
Middle Eastern Politics
African Politics
Developing Countries
International Conflict
Institutions and Governance
American National Government
Excerpts from Student Evaluations
International Relations (INR 2002)
Professor Demerew is a kind professor and it is easy to tell that he is passionate about what he is teaching
Fun and challenging teacher.
Excellent instructor. He is able to teach both a broad view of the field of IR, and some specificities that were incredibly informative.
Comparative Politics (CPO 2002)
Prof. Demerew is really intelligent, he knows the subject really well and is able to transmit that knowledge effectively to his students.
Professor Demerew teaches an interesting, enriching, albeit challenging course.
Amazing professor, he made us feel very respected in and out of the classroom setting.
Globalization (INR 3011)
Takes time to work with students one on one, truly cares about ambitions and success of his students.
Great at keeping my attention, even with the online setting!
Kaleb Demerew was phenomenal. He helped us engage with the topic, facilitated our discussions, and most importantly listened to our interpretations and perspectives on the concepts we were learning in the course. I will really miss having this class!
Leadership Theory (LDR 2201)
Excellent class. Professor Demerew was very active throughout the course providing guidance to the students on how to become leaders.
Excellent course and instructor who puts time and effort into the success of students.
The instructor was very helpful with his weekly videos and provided great feedback. Not just generic "good work".
Leadership Capstone (LDR 4101)
The professor was wonderful and had plenty of coursework to help us learn more about resumes and even helped me with some recruitment work we practiced in our company.
Having Prof. Demerew was exciting... at first I was unsure of the class but he made the class more interesting.