Curriculum Vitae


PhD - Politics & International Affairs | University of South Florida | 2023
Specializations: Politics of Development / International Security
Dissertation: “Violence, Rents, and Elites: Institutional Determinants of Political Order in Ethiopia, Rwanda, and South Sudan”
Committee: Steven C. Roach (major advisor); Jongseok Woo; Earl Conteh-Morgan; John Ishiyama

MA - Diplomacy & International Commerce | Norwich University | 2019

BA - Political Science, International Politics | Washington University in St. Louis | 2013


Journal Papers (Peer Reviewed)

2025. Demerew, K., Faboye, S., and Edodi, S. “Toward Polycentric Federalism: Assessing Federal Institutional Design in Multiethnic African States.Journal of Institutional Economics. DOI: 10.1017/S1744137425000037 (forthcoming).

2024. “Can Institutions Explain Mass Violence? Amhara 'Settler' Discourse and Ethiopia’s Ethnic Federalism. Nations and Nationalism 30(3), 493-509. DOI: 10.1111/nana.13004.

2024. “Contractualism in Post-Colonial State-Building: A Liberal Approach to Sovereignty and Governmentality.” Review of Austrian Economics. DOI: 10.1007/s11138-024-00640-8.

2024. “Institutional Logic of Fragile States: Afghanistan and South Sudan in Comparative Perspective.” Journal of the Middle East and Africa 15(4), 371-395. DOI: 10.1080/21520844.2024.2415182. (with A. Murid Partaw)

2023. College Diversity Politics and American Higher Education: An Institutional Analysis.Society, 60, 983-993. DOI: 10.1007/s12115-023-00911-3.

2022. “Realist Perspectives on Nile Politics: Conflict and Cooperation Between Ethiopia and Egypt.” African Security 15(3), 213-236. DOI: 10.1080/19392206.2022.2081763.

2022. “Elites, Rents, and Transitions: A New Institutionalist View of Ethiopia’s Political Development.Africa Today 68(3), 65-86. DOI: 10.2979/africatoday.68.3.04

2021. “From Red Sea to the Nile: Water, Power, and Politics in Northeast Africa.” Third World Quarterly 42(12), 2883-2901. DOI: 10.1080/01436597.2021.1977622


2025. Roach, S., Hudson, D., and Demerew, K. (eds.) Nile Basin Politics: From Coordinated to Cooperative Peace. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar.

Book Chapters

2025. “Blockchain Contractualism as Modus Vivendi: A Praxis for Reconfiguring Post-Colonial State-building.” In Dragos, P. and Murtazashvili, J. Governing Differences: Social Diversity, Polycentric Political Economy and Modus Vivendi. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar. (forthcoming)

2025. “State-building on the Nile: Domestic Politics and the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam.” In Roach, S., Hudson, D., and Demerew, K. Nile Basin Politics: From Coordinated to Cooperative Peace. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar, 19-38.

2025. Demerew, K., and Hudson, D. “Beyond the Big Three: the National and Regional Politics of the other Riparian Countries. In Roach, S., Hudson, D., and Demerew, K. Nile Basin Politics: From Coordinated to Cooperative Peace. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar, 89-110.

Book Reviews

2024. Haile Selassie I, Emperor of Ethiopia by Nigusie Kassaye W. Michael. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, 2023. Africa Today 70(4), 109-111. DOI: 10.2979/at.0018.

Book Projects in Progress

Violence, Elites, and Institutions: State-building and Political Development in Africa. (under contract with SUNY Press)

Economic Freedom and Self-Governance in Africa: Contracting the State. (under contract with Routledge)

Teaching Experience

West Texas A&M University
Assistant Professor (2023 - Present)

University of South Florida
Instructor (2021 - 2023)

Teaching Assistant (2019 - 2021)

Concordia University Texas
Adjunct Faculty (2019 - 2022)

Honors and Awards

Research Experience

University of South Florida School of Interdisciplinary Global Studies

Research Assistant, Steven C. Roach, Ph.D., June-Aug. 2020; Jan-Mar. 2022

Washington University, Weidenbaum Center on the Economy, Government, & Public Policy

Research Assistant, Hong Min Park, Ph.D., May to Sept. 2013


Service to Profession

Media Engagement

Professional Affiliations